

Important tips for COVID 19

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Many medical offices have established protocols for assisting patients in need of medical care. You should not be the last. Here we share some important tips:

• Triage patients utilizing your available resources such as telemedicine or telephone encounters.

• Keep yourself and staff updated with latest official clinical care information from the CDC and WHO.

• Train your staff on proper protocols to maintain safety. Sanitize general surfaces after each patient visit.

• Place a front-door sign to inform patients and visitors that they need to notify your staff via telephone prior to coming to your office if they meet the Covid-19 risk criteria. If the office is closed, update voicemail messages to address telephone assessment, telemedicine, and how to reach the physician in the event of an emergency.

For more important tips: #covid19 #medicine #protocols #triage #coronavirus #Patient #medicalcare #update #doctor #patients #telehealth

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